Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF), contributed the Strategic Action Plan Paper on "The COVID-19 Gender Gap - How Women's Experience and Expertise Will Drive Economic Recovery" published by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, namely, Chatham House in September 2020 for policy recommendations to global policy makers including G20 leaders.
Led by Gender and Inclusive Growth Initiative, five virtual roundtables and a three-day virtual workshop were held between 16 June and 15 July 2020, bringing together more than 80 global thought leaders from international organizations, the public and private sectors, the corporate world, NGOs and academia including Ms. Kang.
The purpose of the events was to identify innovative gender-related business, finance and policy solutions and incorporate these into a strategic action plan for governments and corporations, in order to harness the economic power of women in driving the recovery from the pandemic.
Stephane Dubois and Elizabeth Isele of Gender and Inclusive Growth Initiative at Chatham House co-authored the paper by consolidating collective opinions from the roundtables and the workshop.
The paper presents a three-point COVID-19 recovery action plan for immediate strategies and longer-term recommendations to foster a gender-equal economic environment with the special addition of the emphasis on rethinking social and cultural norms:
1. Invest in social infrastructure and family-friendly policies.
2. Accelerate advances in women’s workforce competencies through professional and vocational education.
3. Invest in the development of women-owned businesses in all countries.
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