As a Co-Head of South Korean delegation, Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) participated in the Women 20 (W20), a transnational network that brings together women leaders of businesses, entrepreneurship ventures, think tanks and civil society, during its Saudi Arabian G20/W20 presidency in 2020.
W20 is one of official engagement groups of G20, like B20(Business 20), C20(Civil Society 20), L20(Labor 20), Y20(Youth 20), T20(Think Tank 20). Incepted in Australia in 2014, W20 was established for the first time during the Turkish presidency of the G20 in 2015 and its activities continued and expanded in China (2016), Germany (2017), Argentina (2018), Japan (2019) and Saudi Arabia (2020).
The four key topics of 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia are labor, financial, digital inclusion of women and inclusive decision making. Ms. Kang was the elected Chair of Digital Inclusion Working Group consisting of eleven members from ten countries - Argentina, Belgium/EU, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Russia, and Turkey, which supported 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia’s contribution to G20 Digital Economy Task Force (DETF) and UNESCO’s online consultation for the first global standard-setting instrument on the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI).
W20 delegates from G20 countries prepared the W20 communiqué, the list of policy recommendations, under the four topics with addition of two other cross cutting themes, women entrepreneurship and enhancing G20 accountability, to improve women’s economic empowerment, as a group intelligence work through various international online and offline dialogues during several months. The final W20 communiqué was presented to G20 leaders through the 2020 G20 Saudi Arabian presidency at the 2020 W20 Saudi Arabia Summit.
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