Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) was invited as a discussant of the Webinar on <Integrated Approach to Socio-Economic Response to COVID-19: UNDP Offer 2.0, Reflections on Anti-Corruption, and Experiences from Korea> co-hosted by UNDP Seoul Policy Centre and Global Anti-Corruption Team.
She introduced the private sector's perspective with three ways of empowering business integrity - capacity building for corporate compliance officers, transparent management of the global supply chain, and collective action through cross-sector alliance - along with policies & activities of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of Republic of Korea to promote business integrity.
* Webinar on <Integrated Approach to Socio-Economic Response to COVID-19: UNDP Offer 2.0, Reflections on Anti-Corruption, and Experiences from Korea>
* Time: August 4, 2020
* Co-Host: UNDP Seoul Policy Centre and Global Anti-Corruption Team
* Topic: Anti-Corruption and COVID-19: Challenges, Responses, and Outlook of Business Integrity
* Moderator: Stephan Klingebiel, Director of UNDP Seoul Policy Centre
* Speakers: Haoliang Xu, Assistant Administrator and Director of UNDP BPPS, Balazs Horvath, RBAP Senior Economic and Strategic Advisor on Belt and Road Initiative of UNDP China, Anga Timilsina, Global Programme Advisor on Anti-Corruption of UNDP, Aida Arutyunova, Programme Manager on Anti-Corruption of UNDP, Jungoh Son, Policy Advisor on Anti-Corruption of UNDP (ACRC Secondee), and Angela Joo-Hyun KANG, Founder and Executive President, Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF)
* Participants: UNDP colleagues and partners from 39 different countries.
* Detailed information: