Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) was invited as a panelist of the online workshop session <Beyond Compliance: Innovative Approaches to Business Integrity and Responsible Business Conduct in Southeast Asia> of the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) as a multi-stakeholder policy dialogue with experts of OECD, UNDP, Microsoft, entrepreneurship, and ESG about a private sector's role for enhancing business integrity and RBC in Southeast Asia on December 3, 2020, co-hosted by OECD and UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub.
Ms. Kang shared challenges of companies, business dilemma of business integrity and RBC, and recent global trends regarding ESG, the 3rd party due diligence, convergence of anti-corruption and human rights, and gender & anti-corruption. She emphasized the importance of addressing gender, as a cross-cutting issue of business integrity and RBC, by supporting females workers, business women, and women entrepreneurs in the business environment.
Especially, she introduced UNDP's pilot projects supporting women entrepreneurs in Thailand and Indonesia, as the innovative approach examples beyond compliance contributing gender equality and international development through multi-stakeholder partnership despite of the global pandemic era. She inspired those projects of UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub disseminating B20 training modules to enhance anti-corruption capacity building of women entrepreneurs in the business supply chain environment by engaging with business and women enterprise associations by bridging B20 and UNDP, two international policy platforms during 2020 B20 Saudi Arabian presidency year.
• Event: The 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) hosted by Transparency International (TI) and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of South Korea
• Session: Beyond Compliance: Innovative Approaches to Business Integrity and Responsible Business Conduct in Southeast Asia
• Type: Virtual online workshop session
• Time: 8:00–9:30 GMT, Thursday, December 3, 2020
• Format: A regional and national multi-stakeholder policy dialogue regarding a private sector's role to promote business integrity and responsible business conduct in Southeast Asia
• Session Recording Link:
• Moderators:
Ms. Mathilde Mesnard, Deputy Director for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, OECD
Mr. Nicholas Booth, Policy Advisor for Governance, Human Rights and Access to Justice, UNDP
• Speakers:
Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum(GCEF), South Korea
Mr. Dan Shea, Regional Director of Compliance & Litigation, Microsoft Asia
Ms. Diane Eustaquio, Executive Director of IdeaSpace, Philippines
Ms. Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited(CDL), Singapore
• Description:
The world is currently facing the biggest global crisis in generations, caused by the sudden and rapid spread of a novel coronavirus. Extensive travel restrictions and isolation measures have presented huge challenges for companies, compounded by economic uncertainty. Many businesses have loaded up on debt in recent years and few have a clear picture on how the pandemic will affect their business operations over the coming months and years.
According to the recent report launched by the OECD in partnership with UNDP “Responsible Business Conduct and Anti-Corruption Compliance in Southeast Asia”, 60% of respondents are concerned with being directly or indirectly associated with at least one sustainability risk, corruption being considered the highest risk for companies operating in the region. Furthermore, the impact of Covid-19 on anti-corruption compliance and RBC has also been measured, showing that 58% of respondents feel that environmental, social and/or governance risks have increased as a result of the crisis.
This interactive session will bring together leaders from different sectors to discuss examples and exchange ideas about how companies from big to small, including young entrepreneurs, weather the damages of the pandemic and maximize the impact of their companies by doing business with integrity. UNDP and OECD invite celebrated practitioners from across Asia to lead the discussion on how fairness, integrity, and trust can help grow businesses, enhance its attractiveness to investors, and impact the future of markets and society.