Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of GCEF was appointed as a member of 2021 B20 Italy which presents policy recommendations to 2021 G20 Italy and has been participating in the B20 policy suggestion making process as a member of Integrity & Compliance Task Force (I&C TF) of B20 Italy. I&C TF has 130 members in total and Ms. Kang is the only South Korean woman in the I&C TF.
There are eight task forces of 2021 B20 Italy - Trade & Investment, Energy & Resource Efficiency, Integrity & Compliance, Employment & Education, Digital Transformation, Finance & Infrastructure, Health & Life Sciences, and Action Council on Sustainability & Global Emergencies.
Also, during the Italian G20 presidency year, 2021 B20 Italy has launched its special initiative on women empowerment, chaired by Diana Bracco, Chair and CEO of Bracco Group, as the B20 Women Empowerment Ambassador. Among 120 members in total from G20 countries, Ms. Kang is the only South Korean woman.
Ms. Kang has participated in B20 from 2016 until now except 2019 as a 2016 B20 China Infrastructure Taskforce member, 2017 B20 Germany Financing Growth & Infrastructure Taskforce member as well as Responsible Business Conduct & Anti-Corruption Cross-Thematic Group member, 2018 B20 Argentina Integrity & Compliance Taskforce member, and 2020 B20 Saudi Arabia Integrity & Compliance Taskforce member.
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