Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) was invited to Kuwait CSR Conference 2011 in kuwait as a session speaker of "The strategy and policy implications of corporate philanthropy"session.
Kuwait CSR Conference 2011
"Mainstreaming Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Stratety"
28th & 29th September 2011
Crowne Plaza - Kuwait
Other speakers include:
* Franz Knecht, CEO - Connexis - CSR ; ConNexiS AG/SA/Ltd, Switzerland
* Nikos Avlonas, Founder and President ; Centre for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE), Belgium
* Mag. Martin Neureiter, CEO & Founder ; The CSR Company, UK
* Jane Fiona Cumming, Founding partner ; Article 13 Group , UK WORKSTREAM
* Asya Alashaikh, Founder & MD ; Tamkeen Sustainability Advisors, KSA
* Amr Hamdy, MA, Msc. Director, Management Center School of Business ; The American University in Cairo, Egypt
* Sabrin Rahman, Senior CSR Content Specialist ; Centre for Responsible Business, UAE
* Dr. Tareq Emtairah, CSR consultant and professor ; Lund University, Sweden
* Abid Niaz Khan, Livelihoods Advisor ; Care International, Pakistan
* Habiba Tanseem Chowdhury, Chief Coordinator ; Institute of Hazrat Mohammad, Bangladesh
* Eng. Mahmoud M. Al Turkistani, Vice President Head, Corporate Social Responsibility Dept. ; National Commercial Bank, KSA
For further information: