Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder & Executive President of GCEF translated and published the Korean version of “Social Innovation Inc." with the Korean name "CSR 3.0" in November 2011.
Jason Saul, Founder & CEO of Mission Measurement LLC and a professor of the Kellogg School of Management is author of its original English version.
CSR 3.0 suggests 5 strategies that how corporation are able to make profits and find business opportunities while they respect ecosystem and solve social problems. It introduces concrete examples about successes or failures in busines (GE, Wal-Mart and Tesco, etc.)
Published: October 29, 2011
Author: Jason Saul
Translator: Angela Joo-Hyun Kang
Publisher: Young Idea
Address: # 408 Sejong Venture Town, 535-7 Munbalri, Paju, Gyeonggido, Republic of Korea
Tel: 031-955-4924
Fax: 031-355-4928
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Price: KRW 17,000