Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) was invited as a panelist to the 7th Sustainability Conference
"Policy and Strategic Direction for Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility" hosted by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and organized by the Korean Standards Association.
Mr. Bart Slob, Senior Programme Manager, CBI of the Dutch government, conveyed his keynote speech, 'CSR Policies in the Netherland and Europe'. Ms. Jeong, Eun-Joo, Team Manager of the Korean Standards Association presented "Domestic and Foreign Policy Status for Sustainability". Mr. Ra Young-Jae, Team Manager of Korea Institute of Public Finance spoke about "Future Directions and Policy Proposal for Sustainability Development of South Korea". About 100 people working in sustainability management participated the conference.
The 7th Sustainability Conference
"Policy and Strategic Direction for Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility"
Time: 13:00~17:00, June 12, 2012
Venue: International Conference Room, 16th Floor of Korea Technology Center
Hosted by: The Ministry of Knowledge Economy
Organized by: The Korean Standards Association
Participants: Professionals working in sustainability, CSR, business ethics and environment management
Panel Discussion
Topic: What would be strategic policy direction for development of sustainability and CSR of South Korea?
Moderator: Prof. Kim, Jong-Dae, Business Administration of Inha University
Mr. Bart Slob, Senior Programme Manager, Netherland CBI
Mr. Norbert Eschborn, Korea Office Director, Konard-Adenauer Foundation
Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF)
Mr. So Cheol-Hwan, Senior Researcher & CSR Secretariat, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance