South Korean and French Contractors Team up to Enhance Anti-corruption Competitiveness of the Global Infrastructure Environment through MoU
# Expanding bilateral and multilateral collaboration to nurture integrity and compliance in the global construction market
# Pursuing “Collective Action” for anti-corruption with the private and public sectors of G20 and non-G20 countries as well as multilateral development banks
(From left) Mr. Kee-poong Park, Chairman of ICAK, Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of GCEF, and Mr. Bruno Cavagné, president of Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics (FNTP) representing SEFI attend the trilateral MoU ceremony at SEFI headquarters in Paris, France, on June 20, 2018 to enhance anti-corruption competitiveness of the global infrastructure environment. (Photo=FNTP/SEFI)
[Paris, France] The International Contractors Association of Korea (ICAK), the Association of French International Contractors (SEFI) and the Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) announced that they have teamed up to enhance anti-corruption competitiveness of the global infrastructure environment by signing a trilateral memorandum of understanding (MoU) for “Collective Action” and to create public-private partnerships in order to bring about a fairer and more transparent international construction market. The MoU was signed at SEFI headquarters in Paris, France, on June 20, 2018.
The trilateral co-signing ceremony is aiming at disseminating integrity and compliance among international contractors through bilateral collaboration, promoting ‘Responsible Business Conducts’ culture with other international contractor associations of G20 countries through multilateral collaboration, and advocating ‘Responsible Government Policies’ through public-private partnership for anti-corruption towards public sectors of G20 and non-G20 countries as well as multilateral development banks.
Mr. Kee-poong Park, Chairman of ICAK, expressed his positive view on the trilateral effort: “The World Bank estimates that global public procurement accounts for around 20% of the global GDP. The OECD Foreign Bribery Report 2014 states 15% of foreign bribery cases occurred in the construction industry. To fix this negative image, it is important to initiate self-driven change and mobilize commitment from international contractor associations in each country. We will try to do our best to uphold the pride of all those who work in the global construction industry and reaffirm the importance of the industry, starting with our collaboration with France.”
Mr. Bruno Cavagné, President of Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics (FNTP) which represents SEFI, highlighted the importance of the MoU: “In order to prevent corruption -- especially bribery -- both the demand and supply sides of bribery should be addressed. Namely, companies and business associations should work to prevent, detect and correct misbehaviors while government and public sectors should try to control improper solicitation and extortion. Also, corporate self-cleaning efforts need to be recognized by rewarding policy actions. Starting with our collaboration with South Korea, we will strive to build a cleaner and fairer global construction environment.”
Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President of GCEF, emphasized the role of “Collective Action”: “In order to promote anti-corruption, it is essential to pursue ‘Collective Action’ even among competitors in the same industry by rising above the “prisoner’s dilemma” while forging public-private partnerships with like-minded businesses and governments. It is very meaningful to bridge South Korean and French international contractor associations. We will continue our efforts to engage with more countries by utilizing this trilateral collaboration as a catalyst.”
Three parties will endeavor to promote “Collective Action” and public-private partnership of global construction industry, in order to make anti-corruption efforts in global construction market not as obstacles but as competitiveness, by exchanging knowledge, information, and experiences as well as exploring joint research in the future.
Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF)
GCEF is a non-profit organization and research institute which specializes in strategic cross-sector alliance building and knowledge sharing through multi-stakeholder dialogues to make corporate social responsibility and business integrity a part of global competitiveness. It was established in 2008, registered in 2011 under the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), and is based in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Since 2016, GCEF has been participating in the B20 taskforce groups in the areas of infrastructure, financing growth, anti-corruption and responsible business conduct, through which companies and business associations of G20 countries gather, prepare, and submit their joint policy recommendations to G20.
Ms. Ji-hyo Oh, Senior Manager of the GCEF Secretariat Tel: +82-2-714-5964 Email:
The International Contractors Association of Korea (ICAK)
Established on November 3, 1976, under the Overseas Construction Promotion Act of the Republic of Korea, the ICAK is the only organization in the country that represents the interests of Korean contractors in all matters relating to overseas construction and development activities.
Mr. Woon-joong Kim. Director, ICAK Cell: +82-10-8909-1636 Email:
Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics (FNTP) representing Syndicat des Entrepreneurs Français Internationaux (The Association of French International Contractors: SEFI) /
The National Federation of Public Works (FNTP) represents 8,000 public works companies of all sizes, specialties and regions. It is these companies that build and maintain infrastructure, contributing to the country’s competitiveness, territorial cohesion and energy transition. The FNTP is committed to promoting the interests of the profession and nurturing the best conditions for the development of the public works market, to contribute to the quality of social dialogue, particularly through branch collective bargaining, and ensures a higher level of services to all its members.
Mr. Michel Démarre, Senior Advisor of FNTP/SEFI Tel: +33 1 44 13 31 77 Email: