Ms. Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, Founder and Executive President, Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum(GCEF) wrote the 'Global CSR Trend' column in the CSR Insight section for the February 2015 Issue of 'Business World Insight', published by FKI Media, the affiliated organization of Federation of Korean Industries (FKI,, the business association with over 400 corporate members including major South Korean conglomerates, founded in 1961.
FKI has published 600 issues in offline format until November 2014 in the name of “Monthly Federation of Korean Industries”. On December 10, 2014, it has been re-launched in the name of 'Business World Insight' in online/offline format to adapt a new social network service driven trends. It is distributed to its corporate members and public, mainly business community in Korean.
* Global CSR Trend article link:
"From the 'Exclusive' to the 'Inclusive', Global Paradigm Is Changing- Seize Both Social and Economic Values Together through Inclusive Business"
* Facebook (In Korean):
* Mobile App (In Korean): Download “Tapzin” and find “Biz-Insight” in the current affairs, economics and investment techniques section for full PDF/animated copy for free.