Incheon Metropolitan City Promises to Support Fair Business Activities
Incheon Metropolitan City hosted ‘The Fair Player Club Seminar for Compliance and Business Ethics’ to spread integrity culture and started to support public and private enterprises based in Incheon Metropolitan City for their clean and fair business management.
Incheon Metropolitan City (Mr. YOO, Jeong-bok, Mayor) announced that it hosted the Fair Player Club Seminar for Compliance and Business Ethics for 150 participants from public organizations, private enterprises, and public officers taking charge of integrity located in Incheon, on December 2, 2016, at the Incheon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Incheon, Republic of Korea.
This seminar is sponsored by Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), Ministry of Interior (MOI), Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC), and Siemens Integrity Initiative, co-hosted by Incheon Metropolitan City, Incheon Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and Global Compact Network Korea (GCNK), and organized by Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF).
Fair Player Club, the public-private sector platform to promote collective action for anti-corruption, launched in 2015, is one of the 24 global anti-corruption projects to spread compliance and business ethics, sponsored by World Bank and Siemens Integrity Initiative. Currently, 62 companies have participated in Fair Player Club in Republic of Korea.
Mr. JUN, Sung-soo, Vice Mayor, Incheon Metropolitan City, in his opening speech that “In order to achieve global competitiveness, integrity is the core element for Incheon Metropolitan City. Nowadays, only companies with integrity can survive and compliance and business ethics are needed more than ever because they are directly connected with trust from consumers.”
Mr. KIM, Kee-wan, Executive Vice-Chairman, Incheon Chamber of Commerce & Industry, said in his welcoming speech that “Through the Fair Player Club seminar, we will make an effort to build the business culture environment and I hope many companies participate in Fair Player Club for their compliance and business ethics.”
The seminar introduced global and domestic trends of compliance and business ethics, the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, responses of South Korean companies, anti-corruption guidelines, and anti-corruption cases of public and private enterprises.
Mr. JUNG, Joong-suk, Auditor of Incheon Metropolitan City, said “We focus on enhancing the value of Incheon Metropolitan City during this year as a jump start year for increasing integrity level of Incheon City. I hope this seminar plays a positive role to strengthen public-private partnership and enhance integrity for helping Incheon Metropolitan City win public confidence.”
¡ßGlobal Compact Network Korea (GCNK) and Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF).
Global Compact Network Korea (GCNK) and Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) applied for the 2nd round of international competitive bidding called by World Bank and Siemens Integrity Initiative as a consortium partners. Fair Player Club, the public-prviate sector platform to promote collective action for anti-corruption, is the only South Korean project, ,selected in the 2nd round.
Since 2015, Fair Player Club has endeavored for prevention of corruption risks of companies and strengthened their capacity by spreading importance of compliance and business ethics to companies nationwide in major cities, through public-private partnership with metropolitan governments as well as local chambers of commerce and industry in Seoul, Busan, Gwangju, Daegu, Ulsan, Daejeon, and Incheon.